Changed into His Image, 2nd Student Edition Just Released


Changed into His Image, 2nd Student Edition simplifies the message of Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition for a teen audience or for adults who struggle with reading and comprehension.  It combines portions of the text from Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition with portions of the workbook questions from Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition.

Many youth groups have used this 13-week study with the teens as a stand-alone study or while the adults in the church are going through Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition with its workbook, Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition. The chapters and daily readings for the 2nd Student Edition parallel those of the 2nd edition text and workbook.

Some parents have studied through this book with their entire family and have successfully used it with upper elementary, middle school, and high school children.

In addition, many home-school parents have used this Student Edition as a portion of their Bible curriculum for juniors or seniors in high school.

Jim Berg