Overcoming Your Addiction God’s Way
If you are an addiction struggler, you have been pursuing mind-numbing, pleasure-inducing, or pain-killing experiences to deal with the ups and downs of life. But you cannot solve problems of the heart by physical means like drugs, illicit sex, porn, cutting, or self-starvation. God understands the loneliness, hurt, shame, guilt, despair, anger, and anxiety of your heart. He lovingly provides the plan and the power to find comfort, peace, and freedom from enslaving sins.
Changed Into His Image, 3rd Edition (ESV)
In this time-tested resource for spiritual growth and disciple making, biblical counselor Jim Berg guides readers to understand their sinful nature, renew their minds, and live in a way that pleases God and allows them to better serve him. With a compassionate voice and keen understanding of the human heart’s condition, Berg charts a clear roadmap to genuine, biblical heart change in each chapter. Both new and mature believers will find Changed into His Image full of rich encouragement and practical exercises to help them to grow in love for their Savior and service to him.
Taking Time to Change, 3rd Edition Workbook (ESV)
If your attempts at making biblical change have been haphazard-if you have been longing for a more meaningful relationship with God-Taking Time to Change, 3rd Edition is for you. It is an interactive study guide to be used with Jim Berg's Changed into His Image, 3rd Edition. This thirteen-week series will lead you into more intimate fellowship with God-the heart of biblical change. Discover lasting peace and joy as you take time to read Changed into His Image, 3rd Edition, reflect on truth, memorize Scripture, and respond to God through prayer.
Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition: God’s Plan for Transforming Your Life (KJV)
Jim wrote Changed into His Image out of a burden to provide his three daughters a realistic, practical, and biblically-sound understanding of spiritual growth, progressive sanctification, and discipleship. First published in 1999, and over 130,000 copies later and in its second edition, Changed into His Image has been used around the world in equipping the saints to maintain their day-to-day walk with the Lord and recognize and overcome the habits that commonly hinder spiritual progress.
NOTE: The DVD series for Changed into His Image is no longer available but mp3 audio files of the lectures are available as free downloads on the Audio page of this website.
Changed into His Image is also available in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, and Chinese.
Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition Workbook (KJV)
Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition, the accompanying workbook for Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition, guides readers as they meditate on Scripture and apply the biblical principles in Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition to their daily lives. This workbook has been widely used by church Sunday school classes, small groups, biblical counselors, and parents to disciple believers to greater Christlikeness as they study through Changed Into His Image, 2nd Edition.
This 2nd edition workbook contains a page conversion table for those using this 2nd edition workbook with the 1st edition of Changed into His Image.
Changed into His Image, 2nd Student Edition (KJV)
ESV edition coming in 2024
The Changed into His Image 2nd Student Edition simplifies the message of Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition for a teen audience or for adults who struggle with reading and comprehension. It combines portions of the text from Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition with portions of the workbook questions from Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition.
Many youth groups have used this 13-week study with the teens as a stand-alone study or while the adults in the church are going through Changed into His Image, 2nd Edition with its workbook, Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition. The chapters and daily readings for the 2nd Student Edition parallel those of the 2nd edition full text and workbook.
Some parents have studied through this book with their entire family and have successfully used it with upper elementary, middle school, and high school children.
In addition, many homeschool parents have used this Student Edition as a portion of their Bible curriculum for their junior or senior high school students.
Essential Virtues: Marks of the Christ-Centered Life
Essential Virtues by Jim Berg draws from the principles of 2 Peter 1 to explore the marks of the mature Christian life. Peter lists the virtues of a Christlike believer: commitment to be like Jesus (virtue), knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. As believers understand the meaning and importance of these core virtues, they can learn to cultivate these qualities while avoiding worldliness, rebellion, and spiritual apathy. Berg’s clear application encourages personal Bible study that will result in true biblical maturity. Essential Virtues includes study-guide questions for personal reflection.
In the Essential Virtues DVD series, Jim teaches an overview of each of the thirteen chapters. The series is often used for individual study and for group learning activities.
Freedom That Lasts ®
Freedom That Lasts® is a Christ-centered, Bible based, local-church-focused discipleship ministry to those enslaved to life-dominating sins or overcome by hurtful events of life. While the program is geared towards a weekly local church ministry to addicts, the curriculum can be used for individuals who need to overcome various kinds of substance and behavioral addictions. In addition, the curriculum provides solid accountability and instruction for any believer who simply wants to grow in his likeness to Christ.
Freedom That Lasts® offers a full line of adult, teen, and prison tools for discipling those struggling with life-dominating habits and hurtful life events. For more information about starting a chartered chapter in your church or for ordering individual components of the curriculum for your own use in personal growth and discipling others, go to FreedomThatLasts.com.
Help! I’m Addicted
Everybody knows somebody who is addicted to something. But maybe addiction is more personal for you. Maybe you once had real hopes and dreams, desires and possibilities. But then you became an addict, and what started out as fun or an attempt at relief from pain and shame grew into something bigger. Here Jim Berg shows that no matter how tangled your life has become, God offers you hope and help through His Word and His people.
God Is More Than Enough: Foundations for a Quiet Soul (2024 Reprint)
Many people today are imprisoned by guilt, fear, and despair. They have no idea how they became trapped, and they feel helpless to free themselves. God is More Than Enough describes the slow disintegration that results when someone ignores or resists the truth about who God is and what He has done for His people. God is More Than Enough offers practical wisdom for overcoming the stresses of life and finding God's peace through a closer look at the heart of God--His love, His mercy, His faithfulness, and His power to help those who are suffering.
This book ministers to Christians who have reached the end of their own strength and are ready to develop their personal walk with and confidence in their Savior, Jesus Christ. This book is adapted from the video series, Quieting a Noisy Soul Counseling Program, which is a much more robust application of the truths contained in this book.
Created for His Glory: God’s Purpose for Redeeming Your Life
In this, his second book, Jim Berg offers the reader a study through the major themes of Ephesians and takes an enthusiastic look at the fullness of joy and the victorious life available to every Christian who comes to a clearer understanding of God’s purpose in redemption. He also takes a probing look at pitfalls and misconceptions that commonly weaken believers.
The thirteen-week accompanying workbook, Taking Time to Rejoice, provides the personal application of biblical truth for disciple-makers working with individuals or small groups. In addition, Jim provides an overview of each chapter in the Created for His Glory DVD series for use with groups and individuals.
For more resources in using Created for His Glory please visit www.createdforhisglory.com.
Taking Time to Rejoice Workbook
This is a spiritual fitness program for believers that presents Christ's work of salvation as the key to living in victory every day. Each week's study unit will guide you into daily activities to help you apply truths taught in Created for His Glory. This thirteen-week accompanying workbook provides the personal application of biblical truth for disciple-makers working with individuals or small groups. In addition, Jim provides an overview of each chapter in the Created for His Glory DVD series for use with groups and individuals.
For more resources in using Created for His Glory please visit www.createdforhisglory.com.
Basics for Believers (temporarily out of print until first quarter 2025)
This twenty-four page treasure offers to new believers a wealth of simple explanations for sometimes complex topics such as resisting temptation, sharing your faith, finding God’s will for your life, and personal Bible study. it is a valuable handbook for new believers, who will find it a helpful tool for spiritual growth, and for seekers, who will find answers to their most basic questions about what it means to believe and how to come to Christ. It is also helpful for seasoned believers, who will want to keep it on hand as a reference and to share with those they are ministering to.
When Trouble Comes
“On September 11, 2001, America was attacked by Islamic terrorists. On that fateful day thousands lost their lives at the World Trade Center in New York City, a field in Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon in Washington, DC.”
“This book is dedicated to the families and friends who lost loved ones on that horrible day. May they find in these brief chapters the hope they need in these troubled times.”
In this small format, eighty-page, softbound book, When Trouble Comes, Jim Berg presents four truths for believers who are facing a crisis of life. These truths act as “spiritual CPR” to stabilize Christians or those they are helping in the event of sudden calamity. These truths are the spiritual anchors for those whose minds are spinning and perhaps numb from unexpected tragedy and suffering.
The book is especially helpful when believers are trying to minister to unbelieving loved ones, coworkers, and neighbors who need to hear the gospel presented in a compassionate and hopeful manner during their crisis.
Hospital, military, and first-responder chaplains have distributed this book widely in their ministries to those in their care. Churches have given the book to first-responders in their communities at annual church services honoring those in the community who serve them. Jim dedicated the book to those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001 so that readers would understand that God through His Word has provided the comfort and direction needed in times of crisis.
The separate seventy-page When Trouble Comes Study Guide guides the user through a four-week Bible study applying the four truths for times of trouble contained in the book. This is an excellent evangelistic Bible study when ministering to the lost who are facing trouble.