Jim Berg
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Now Available!

Changed into His Image
3rd Edition (ESV) 

About Jim Berg

Jim Berg’s biblical, practical, and accessible approach to spiritual growth and problem-solving can be traced back to his early days growing up in South Dakota. Jim spent countless hours side by side with his dad, tinkering on the family Volkswagens and working on the farm and in the garage. Jim credits this time working with his father and mother on the farm for his ability to break down and solve problems. Consequently, he draws many relatable anecdotes from his working-class childhood on the farm and his teen years in restaurant work to illustrate biblical truth in his books and sermons.

During college, God captured Jim’s heart and began to use his diverse experiences to minister to those around him. He taught weekend children’s clubs and held student leadership roles. During his senior year of college, Jim and his wife, Pat, held weekly Bible studies for married couples at nearby Clemson University. Together they directed their church’s Sunday school ministry to over a thousand children. Jim and Pat have traveled around the world speaking to believers on the topics of marriage, parenting, spiritual growth, leadership development, discipleship, and biblical counseling.

Jim holds a Master of Arts in Theology from BJU Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. He is a professor of biblical counseling at BJU Seminary. He has served as a deacon and Sunday school teacher at Faith Baptist Church in Taylors, SC. Jim is also the founder of Freedom That Lasts, a ministry that exists to “equip churches to welcome, evangelize, and biblically counsel those who are hurting or addicted to grow in Christlike character and wisdom in living life.”

Jim is a commissioned addictions biblical counselor (CABC) with The Addiction Connection, is a certified biblical counselor with ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) and holds an addiction specialization with ACBC as well. He is also a council member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

Jim and his wife, Pat, have three adult daughters who are in full-time vocational ministry with their husbands. Jim and Pat have eleven grandchildren. Pat is a certified biblical counselor with ACBC—The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and holds a marriage and family specialization with ACBC.


What PEOPLE are Saying About Changed Into His Image

Our dad intentionally discipled us, and we’re thankful that he wrote down how he did it. What began as a series of “Letters from Dad” was eventually developed into a timeless and profound treatise on biblical growth! Dad is a gifted, passionate, and compassionate communicator, illustrating truth in a way that is easily understandable to any Christian who desires to grow in Christlikeness. We are proud to say that Dad still faithfully lives according to the biblical truths contained in this book.
— Kirsten Berg Daulton, Angela Berg McMorris, Michelle Berg Radford
Changed into His Image feels like a modern book of Proverbs. As a reader, you feel like a kind, wise, life-tested father is sitting down with you to share what he’s learned about the heart of the Christian life and living it out earnestly. Filled with memorable analogies and thoughtful applications, this book points you constantly toward maturity in Christ.
— Alasdair Groves, Executive Director, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
Changed Into His Image has been a foundational study I have been using within my congregation and with my students at the Bible college for many years. It is theologically sound and practically effective in leading individuals into the understanding and process of developing in progressive sanctification.
— Nicholas Ellen, DMin; Pastor of Community Faith Bible Church; Senior Professor of Counseling at the College of Biblical Studies, Houston, Texas Seminary; ACBC-certified biblical counselor and fellow
Dr. Jim Berg is one of the best communicators of God’s truths in the church today. Changed into His Image is an indispensable discipleship resource that teaches Christians how to understand and kill sin, renew their minds, and behold Jesus. As they learn this, it will allow them to image Christ and magnify his name. Jim has been an invaluable teacher in my life, and this book is one that I love and use with those I counsel and mentor, as well as myself. It is a treasure to God’s children.
— Kelli Dionne, Biblical Counselor, Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries, Spokane, Washington; Author, James and His Weird Mad
A man I pastor recently noted that I quote Jim Berg more than any other living person. That’s probably true, and it is a testimony to how much Jim’s thinking has shaped my own. He communicates with Scriptural integrity, spiritual insight, and memorable wit. Nowhere is his quotable and life-changing teaching encapsulated as effectively as it is in this profound book.
— Chris Anderson, Senior Pastor of Killian Hills Baptist Church, hymn-writer with ChurchWorksMedia, editor of the Gospel Meditations devotional series, and author of The God Who Satisfies
Changed Into His Image is a must read for all who pursue Christlikeness. A must read for all parents who desire Christlike change (from the inside out) for their children. A must read for all teens who desire to follow Christ’s example. Some books on biblical change inspire, some encourage, and some help to motivate. Changed Into His Image does all three by clearly defining the goal of Christlikeness and explaining the process in an understandable way. God used this book to impact my personal life, and it has been a valuable tool for counseling hundreds of teens through the ministries of The WILDS. It is a classic.
— Rand Hummel; Director of The WILDS of New England; Author of Lest You Fall, Turn Away from Wrath, Fear Not, and The Daniel Dilemma.
This classic book offers hope in brilliant applications for those who wonder how to cultivate a life-altering relationship with our redeeming God. Change Into His Image explains how the three major themes of Ephesians 4:22-24, practiced with sincere devotion to Christ, lead to a steady progressive transformation as the believer learns to draw near to Him. I have found Dr. Berg’s chosen examples and illustrations to be particularly powerful demonstrations of how this biblical passage works in every day life—where we all live and breathe. A must-read for every serious Christian.
— Sue Nicewander, MABC; ACBC-certified biblical counselor; Founder and Training Coordinator of Biblical Counseling Ministries, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Jim Berg’s Changed Into His Image is an excellent discipleship/counseling resource which emphasizes the practical theology so vital to developing a vibrant, joyful, growing relationship with Christ. The author’s love for God is tangibly felt in its pages, encouraging the reader toward that same love. In my ministry, I have frequently used the truths in this book to encourage, comfort, and challenge strugglers to begin to produce the peaceable fruits of righteousness, for their benefit and to God’s glory! I highly recommend it.
— Pamela Gannon, RN, MABC, ACBC-certified biblical counselor at Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, MT; adjunct professor of biblical counseling at Montana Bible College; and author of In the Aftermath: Past the Pain of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Jim Berg’s Changed Into His Image is becoming a classic reference for church and counseling leaders everywhere. For example, in my local Denver metropolitan church, we have used Changed Into His Image in virtually every small group context possible: men’s groups, women’s groups, adult Bible fellowships, college groups, and the youth group. The result: we have witnessed many lives wonderfully changed for Christ through the use of this counseling tool! One pastor I work with summarized Jim Berg’s work succinctly, “Changed Into His Image is a rare Christian growth resource that combines careful Bible study with genuinely helpful application and illustration. Jim Berg gives us God’s Word in a way that is useful, relatable, and memorable.” I highly recommend Changed Into His Image as a “must” for every serious individual Christian believer and corporate church ministry!
— Daniel T. Borkert, M.D., Mile High Medicine; Co-founder of Rocky Mountain Biblical Counseling Center, Lakewood, CO
I’ve had the blessing of knowing Jim since the late 1980’s. His life and his ministry radiate the glory of his Lord Jesus. Changed Into His Image is the anchor for all that he writes and teaches. This study moves carefully through Ephesians 4:22-24 with theological precision and clear practicality. I have personally used this book for eighteen years with great fruit in the context of small groups, Sunday series, biblical counseling, new believer discipleship, and even with several Navy SEALs while on deployment. Solid. Timeless. One of the main reasons I continue to work through it with so many people is that it occasions my going through it again myself. Thank you, Jim, for inviting us as readers to join you on the journey you yourself are on as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
— Jim Newcomer, DMin; Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Ypsilanti, MI; Adjunct Professor of Biblical Counseling and Pastoral Theology, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary; Adjunct Professor, Appalachian Bible College; Adjunct Professor of Counseling, BJU Seminary; Author of Help! I Can’t Forgive (Shepherds Press, 2017)
A friend once asked me to list the five best books I have ever read. Changed Into His Image was, and still is, one of them. Jim Berg is an excellent communicator who writes an organized, thoughtful, resolute, and compassionate volume for any reader seeking genuine heart change for any type of issue. Truly, I recommend it without hesitation to anyone who believes in the sufficiency of the Scriptures for biblical heart change.
— Mark E. Shaw, D.Min; ACBC, IABC, and AADAA-certified biblical counselor; Founder, Truth in Love Ministries; Vice President of Ministry, The NewDay Center; Pastor and author of 20 publications including The Heart of Addiction
Change is a hot topic in the evangelical church, with a gazillion options guaranteed to cure what ails you. Jim Berg’s book Changed into His Image is a breath of fresh, even supernatural air as it unpacks and organizes all that the Bible has to say about how to change, on God’s terms. Berg’s pastoral, practical, and personal touch is evident throughout this excellent practical theology of progressive sanctification.
— Sam Williams, PhD; Professor of Counseling, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Council Board Member, Biblical Counseling Coalition
Few books made such an early impact on our church as did Jim Berg’s Changed Into His Image. We have profited from its use in small groups, one-on-one discipleship, and in our counseling ministry. Jim’s organization, style, illustrations, and thoroughness combine to make this book a classic for personal sanctification. I anticipate God using this new edition in your life as well.
— Kevin Carson, D.Min., Pastor of Sonrise Baptist Church, Ozark, MO; professor of biblical counseling at Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO; ACBC certified biblical counselor; council board member of the BCC; author and editor Biblical Counseling and the Church.
I recall in the early days, when resources for Biblical Counseling were few, that a fellow pastor placed Dr. Jim Berg’s book Changed into His Image in my hands along with a brief note. That was 1999. It is 2017 — and eighteen years later — and I still have that original copy, along with the note from that pastor that said this book will literally change your life. And it did! It not only was used in those early days to help me define sound theology as it related to counseling, but it also took sound theology and showed me how we as God’s people are to practically apply the Bible to our lives. And that kind of practical application was often missing in those days, even among sound Biblical Churches. For those who desire a resource that is both theologically driven with resources on how to practically apply God’s Word in real life situations, I strongly recommend this book to you. As I was told eighteen years ago, I can also say this to you today — this book is one of those books that will literally change your life!
— Dr. Kevin E. Hurt; Senior Pastor, Grace Bible Church in Clayton, GA; Executive V.P. of the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC)
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